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Wachs und Wachsgewinnung – bei uns erhalten Sie alle Hilfsmittel!

Damit die Hygiene im Bienenstock gewahrt bleibt, müssen Mittelwände und Waben regelmäßig entfernt und gereinigt werden. Dabei sollte der Fokus immer auf dem ältesten Wachs liegen, das im Bienenstock zu finden ist. Keime, Krankheitserreger und Rückstände von Varroa- und Wachsmottenbekämpfungsmitteln können sich in diesem Wachs ansammeln und lassen sich nur schwer oder gar nicht herausfiltern. Alte Waben erkennt man an einer sehr dunklen Färbung, insbesondere dann, wenn sie von den Bienen schon mehrere Male bebrütet wurden. Die schwärzliche Einfärbung des Wachses entsteht durch zurückbleibende Puppenhäutchen und Kotrückstände, die von den Bienenlarven stammen. Ein weiterer Nachteil: Zu alte Waben werden durch die Rückstände immer kleiner, sodass auch die folgenden Bienengenerationen kleiner geraten und weniger widerstandsfähig sind. Wer um die Gesundheit der Tiere bemüht ist, sollte daher regelmäßig auf neue Waben setzen – und dafür stellen wir Ihnen die passenden Hilfsmittel zur Seite. Neben einem umfangreichen Sortiment rund um das Bienenwachs und die Wachsgewinnung profitieren Sie in unserem Online-Shop auch von einer umfassenden Beratung, die insbesondere bei Anfängern einen guten Überblick über unser Sortiment an Zubehör für den Umgang mit Wachs und die Wachsgewinnung verschafft. Sprechen Sie uns dazu einfach an.

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Important accessories in dealing with wax and wax extraction We at Bienenzucht Profi Online-Shop would like to provide you with all the accessories you need for wax extraction and wax handling... read more »
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Important accessories in dealing with wax and wax extraction

We at Bienenzucht Profi Online-Shop would like to provide you with all the accessories you need for wax extraction and wax handling online. For this purpose, we rely on an extensive assortment that has everything ready for beekeepers and wax processors:

Ordering center walls for every hive size

If you want to breed healthy and resistant bees in the long term, you should not cast new center walls from the extracted old wax with its numerous residues. Instead, it is advisable to buy center walls made of purified and clean wax, which you can easily insert into your hive. In our shop you can get beehive center walls for normal size, Dadant US, Dadant leaf and Zander. You can also get different center walls for the honey room, brood room or flat frames.

Buy sun wax melter for wax extraction

Beeswax melts even at low temperatures. Beekeepers and wax processors have been taking advantage of this fact for centuries - with the so-called sun wax melter. This particularly environmentally friendly method of melting beeswax is still very popular today, so we would also like to provide you with different sun wax melters. Our practical all-rounders can be used for any hive size and can be supplemented with an additional stand if desired.

Buy steam wax melter

With the steam wax melter, hot steam is passed directly over the combs and frames so that the old wax can be effectively dissolved. This method is much faster than the sun wax melter, but also more energy consuming. If you want to buy a steam wax mel ter, you should opt for so-called combination devices: Here you get the steam wax melter directly in a practical set with the steam generator. In our online store, you can buy steam wax melters made of either plastic or metal. You also have the choice between electric and gas-powered variants.

Buy wax bucket - the ideal collection option

During wax extraction with the steam wax melter or sun wax melter, the wax melts and must be collected in a vessel that can be easily and effectively cleaned afterwards. Special wax buckets are just the right solution here: the large stainless steel buckets can be cleaned at high temperatures so that all wax residues can be completely removed. This ensures that the wax obtained is not contaminated by residues in the wax bu cket, for example. Thanks to practical handles, even larger quantities of wax can be easily transported.

Casting center walls for the hive yourself - with center wall casting systems

With center wall casting systems made of stainless steel, you can professionally produce center walls yourself that are suitable for use in different bee hives. This is ensured by two precise embossing surfaces made of silicone rubber and an innovative water cooling system that ensures immediate hardening of the wax. Excess wax can be collected by an integrated tray and processed further. We provide you with high-quality center wall casting molds, which are appreciated not only by experienced beekeepers.

Center wall casting molds - make center walls for your bee hive yourself

If you want to cast center walls for your bee hive yourself, you need precisely fitting center wall casting molds that are suitable for the dimensions of the bee hive. Here, too, we have of course provided you with an extensive range that includes different center wall casting m olds - from Dadant to Zander. For the production of the center wall casting m olds, we rely on high-quality silicone, in which the wax hardens easily and can be removed. The exact cell embossing enables a precisely fitting honeycomb shape, which is readily accepted by the bees. The center wall casting molds from the Beekeeping Professional are easy to clean and are excellent for both small beekeepers and large-scale operations.

Buy accessories from beekeeping professional - real quality for beekeepers

Wax extraction is quite an elaborate field of work that requires extensive knowledge. If you want to deal with wax and wax extraction, you are guaranteed to find the right accessories in our online store from Bienenzucht Profi! In addition to custom-fit and ready-to-use center walls, we also provide you with numerous options for making center walls from beeswax yourself. Use our high-quality sun wax melts or steam wax melts for processing and provide your bees with a hygienic home in the beehive. If you have any questions, the team from Bienenzuchtprofi will of course be happy to advise you. You can reach us by phone or e-mail!

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Drohnenmittelwände Zander
Drohnenmittelwände Zander
Maße: 395 x 195 mm Menge entspricht Kilogramm ca. 11 Blatt pro kg
€27.90 *
Mittelwände 395 x 260 mm ZaDant
Mittelwände 395 x 260 mm ZaDant
ca. 11 Blatt pro kg
From €23.90 *
Für bis zu 14 Waben Deutsch Normalmaß, Zander, Langstroth oder 10 Waben Dadant. Mit Deckel, einer seitlichen Bodenöffnung für den Wachsablauf und einem eingeschraubtem Edelstahlgewinde zum Anschluss des Dampfmeisters. Höhe ca. 55cm, Ø innen 38 cm (unten) und 45 cm (oben), Gewicht ca. 5kg
€109.00 *
Ersatzwanne SMALTO I 30cm
Ersatzwanne SMALTO I 30cm
Teflon antihaft beschichtet
€6.70 *
Ersatzwanne SMALTO II 35cm
Ersatzwanne SMALTO II 35cm
Teflon antihaft-beschichtet
€6.90 *
Propangasbrenner 12,5 kW
Propangasbrenner 12,5 kW
Schwarz emaillierter Ringbrenner, stufenlos regelbar, inkl. 1,5 m langem Schlauch und Regler Brennerleistung: 12,55 kW Anschluss: 1/4 " Linksgewinde Ringdurchmesser: 30 cm Gasverbrauch: ca. 900 g/h Gasart: Propan - Butan Ø der Auflagefläche: ca. 32 cm, Höhe 12 cm Gesamtlänge ca. 60 cm, Gewicht ca. 3 kg
€109.00 *
ApiNord® Dampfmeister 5.0
ApiNord® Dampfmeister 5.0
elektrischer Dampferzeuger 230 V / 2,2 KW mit Überhitzungsschutz, Überdruckventil, isoliertem Dampfschlauch, verschraubten Deckel mit Tragegriff und einem transparentem Tank für bis zu 5 l Wasser Maß: 28 x 25 cm, Höhe 21 cm
€69.00 *
Smalto® Wachstrichter "Dadant" Kombi
Smalto® Wachstrichter "Dadant" Kombi
bestehend aus: Wachstrichter aus Edelstahl (Art. 3845) mit feinem Lochblechsieb aus Edelstahl und grobem Trestersieb aus Edelstahl Elektrischer Dampfmeister 5.0 230 V / 2,2 kW 2,5 L Edelstahl-Wachsschale Zum Einsatz in Holzzargen der: 12er Dadant US Beute 12er Dadant Blatt Beute 11er Normalmaß Beute 10er Liebig DN Kompaktbeute Segeberger Holzbeute 10er Systembeute...
€199.00 *
Edelstahleinsatz, 6 cm
Edelstahleinsatz, 6 cm
für Kunststoff Schmelzkombi Art. 3918 Höhe ohne Füße ca. 6 cm, Höhe der Füße ca. 5 cm, anschraubbar, Ø ca. 40 cm
€69.00 *
ApiNord® Gigant Schmelzkombi elektrisch
ApiNord® Gigant Schmelzkombi elektrisch
ApiNord® GIGANT Edelstahl Dampfwachsschmelzer eckig, Art. 3924 Elektrischer Dampfmeister 5.0 240 V / 2,2 kW 6 l ApiCera® Wachsschale
€959.00 *
ApiCera® Wachs-Schmelztopf I
ApiCera® Wachs-Schmelztopf I
konisch, zum Wachs klären, Einschmelzen oder Blöcke gießen. Hergestellt aus Edelstahl mit innenseitiger Skalierung und eckigen Griffen. Passend für den Abdeckring Art. 13820 und die Wachs-Schmelzkessel Art. 13810 und 13824 Höhe ca. 26 cm, Ø oben 32 cm Inhalt 12 l, Gewicht 1,5 kg
€59.00 *
ApiNord® Nirosta melting combination with steam master
ApiNord® Nirosta melting combination with steam master
consisting of: Round stainless steel steam wax melter Art. 3919 with perforated honeycomb basket for up to 12 combs DN, ZA or Langstroth, 10 combs Dadant or 5 combs DN 1,5 ApiNord® Dampfmeister 5.0 230 V / 2,2 kW Stainless steel wax tray 2,5 litres Lockable filler and drain nozzle, therefore the unit can also be used as a washing tank Delivery with separate sealing plug made...
€4.40 *
ApiNord® Nirosta melting combination with steam master
ApiNord® Nirosta melting combination with steam master
consisting of: Round stainless steel steam wax melter Art. 3919 with perforated honeycomb basket for up to 12 combs DN, ZA or Langstroth, 10 combs Dadant or 5 combs DN 1,5 ApiNord® Dampfmeister 5.0 230 V / 2,2 kW Stainless steel wax tray 2,5 litres Lockable filler and drain nozzle, therefore the unit can also be used as a washing tank Delivery with separate sealing plug made...
€1,299.00 *
ApiNord® Nirosta melting combination with steam master
ApiNord® Nirosta melting combination with steam master
consisting of: Round stainless steel steam wax melter Art. 3919 with perforated honeycomb basket for up to 12 combs DN, ZA or Langstroth, 10 combs Dadant or 5 combs DN 1,5 ApiNord® Dampfmeister 5.0 230 V / 2,2 kW Stainless steel wax tray 2,5 litres Lockable filler and drain nozzle, therefore the unit can also be used as a washing tank Delivery with separate sealing plug made...
€349.00 *
Middle walls 350 x 200 mm normal size (1kg)
Middle walls 350 x 200 mm normal size (1kg)
approx. 15 sheets per kg
From €17.99 * €22.99 *
Middle walls 350 x 200 mm normal size (1kg)
Middle walls 350 x 200 mm normal size (1kg)
approx. 15 sheets per kg
From €14.50 * €22.99 *
Content 2 Kilogramm
1 From 4

Important accessories in dealing with wax and wax extraction

We at Bienenzucht Profi Online-Shop would like to provide you with all the accessories you need for wax extraction and wax handling online. For this purpose, we rely on an extensive assortment that has everything ready for beekeepers and wax processors:

Ordering center walls for every hive size

If you want to breed healthy and resistant bees in the long term, you should not cast new center walls from the extracted old wax with its numerous residues. Instead, it is advisable to buy center walls made of purified and clean wax, which you can easily insert into your hive. In our shop you can get beehive center walls for normal size, Dadant US, Dadant leaf and Zander. You can also get different center walls for the honey room, brood room or flat frames.

Buy sun wax melter for wax extraction

Beeswax melts even at low temperatures. Beekeepers and wax processors have been taking advantage of this fact for centuries - with the so-called sun wax melter. This particularly environmentally friendly method of melting beeswax is still very popular today, so we would also like to provide you with different sun wax melters. Our practical all-rounders can be used for any hive size and can be supplemented with an additional stand if desired.

Buy steam wax melter

With the steam wax melter, hot steam is passed directly over the combs and frames so that the old wax can be effectively dissolved. This method is much faster than the sun wax melter, but also more energy consuming. If you want to buy a steam wax mel ter, you should opt for so-called combination devices: Here you get the steam wax melter directly in a practical set with the steam generator. In our online store, you can buy steam wax melters made of either plastic or metal. You also have the choice between electric and gas-powered variants.

Buy wax bucket - the ideal collection option

During wax extraction with the steam wax melter or sun wax melter, the wax melts and must be collected in a vessel that can be easily and effectively cleaned afterwards. Special wax buckets are just the right solution here: the large stainless steel buckets can be cleaned at high temperatures so that all wax residues can be completely removed. This ensures that the wax obtained is not contaminated by residues in the wax bu cket, for example. Thanks to practical handles, even larger quantities of wax can be easily transported.

Casting center walls for the hive yourself - with center wall casting systems

With center wall casting systems made of stainless steel, you can professionally produce center walls yourself that are suitable for use in different bee hives. This is ensured by two precise embossing surfaces made of silicone rubber and an innovative water cooling system that ensures immediate hardening of the wax. Excess wax can be collected by an integrated tray and processed further. We provide you with high-quality center wall casting molds, which are appreciated not only by experienced beekeepers.

Center wall casting molds - make center walls for your bee hive yourself

If you want to cast center walls for your bee hive yourself, you need precisely fitting center wall casting molds that are suitable for the dimensions of the bee hive. Here, too, we have of course provided you with an extensive range that includes different center wall casting m olds - from Dadant to Zander. For the production of the center wall casting m olds, we rely on high-quality silicone, in which the wax hardens easily and can be removed. The exact cell embossing enables a precisely fitting honeycomb shape, which is readily accepted by the bees. The center wall casting molds from the Beekeeping Professional are easy to clean and are excellent for both small beekeepers and large-scale operations.

Buy accessories from beekeeping professional - real quality for beekeepers

Wax extraction is quite an elaborate field of work that requires extensive knowledge. If you want to deal with wax and wax extraction, you are guaranteed to find the right accessories in our online store from Bienenzucht Profi! In addition to custom-fit and ready-to-use center walls, we also provide you with numerous options for making center walls from beeswax yourself. Use our high-quality sun wax melts or steam wax melts for processing and provide your bees with a hygienic home in the beehive. If you have any questions, the team from Bienenzuchtprofi will of course be happy to advise you. You can reach us by phone or e-mail!
