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Zubehör für die Königinnenzucht – erhalten Sie Ihre Bienenvölker

Ohne eine Bienenkönigin kann kein Bienenvolk dauerhaft überleben. Daher ist die frühzeitige Nachzucht von Bienenköniginnen essentiell für einen langfristigen Erhalt des eigenen Volkes – und auch für die generelle Bienenpopulation in Europa. Damit Ihnen die Königinnenzucht gelingt, sollten Sie auf passendes Zubehör setzen. Wir haben für Sie verschiedenste Hilfsmittel für die Königinnenzucht in unserem Online-Shop zusammengefasst – von Zuchtsystemen für Einsteiger als praktisches Komplett-Set, über Anbrüter-Kasten bis hin zu professionellen Brutboxen. Dabei legen wir natürlich großen Wert darauf, dass unser umfangreiches Zubehör für die Königinnenzucht auch zu Ihrer Imkerei passt. Die Anbrüter-Kästen erhalten Sie daher passend für verschiedenste Maße, von Zander bis Dadant US. Sehen Sie sich einfach um und finden Sie das Zubehör für die Königinnenzucht, das zu Ihren Bedürfnissen passt!

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Breeding queen bees - securing the next generation with a transfer spoon Hardly any tool for queen breeding is as useful and at the same time as inconspicuous as the Umlarvlöffel or... read more »
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Breeding queen bees - securing the next generation with a transfer spoon

Hardly any tool for queen breeding is as useful and at the same time as inconspicuous as the Umlarvlöffel or Umlarvnadel. To breed queen bees, the larvae of ordinary bees are removed and placed in artificial queen cells. Since the still very young and small larvae are very sensitive, a so-called Umlarvlöffel is used for this conversion. This was specially designed so that the larvae find a safe place on it, while at the same time it can be easily deposited in the queen cell. There are different versions of the relarva spoon or relarva needle available. The classic German version is actually a tiny spoon, while the Chinese version has a spring-loaded spoon tongue. Which solution for your queen bee rearing is the most suitable for you, you can of course only determine with a little practice - in any case, however, we guarantee you fantastic quality from our online store, which will definitely make your work easier.

Everything for queen rearing - incubator boxes for every size

If the transfer of the larvae into the artificial queen cells was successful, a new queen bee will soon grow up in your rows. In order for this to succeed, it should be kept separate from the usual worker bees for the time being. We recommend our customers to raise queens in a special incubator box, which is available for every common size. This is particularly easy because the frame with the queen bee can simply be placed in the incubator box. We attach great importance to being able to offer the right box for almost every size. One of the most popular models is of course the Zander incubator box, which can accommodate all frames of Zander size. But we also have suitable copies for Dadant US, Dadant leaf and German normal size.

In order for the rearing of queen bees to succeed, an incubator box is often not enough. Therefore, you will also find all accessories for queen rearing in our assortment - from hurdle frames and wooden frames to queen tip holders and interception cages, everything is included. Take a look at our assortment for queen rearing and get the accessories you need for the preservation of your bee colony!

Buy mating boxes and breed queen bees

You already have a queen bee and want to have it mated to ensure the next generations of bees? Here our mating boxes are an ideal solution for effective beekeeping. The mating boxes are small hives, in which a few worker bees and the unpollinated queen bee can be placed. Afterwards, the mating box is completely closed so that no bees can leave the box. In addition, of course, sufficient food should be provided so that the bees can start building combs during the time in the mating box. Provided that the bees now establish their own, new colony, it is very likely that the mating of the queen bee was also successful - and future generations are assured.

Breeding queen bees with different breeding systems

If all this effort is too much for you, you can also use the ready-made breeding systems that we offer in our online store. Particularly well-known is the Nicot complete system, which consists of a breeding cassette with cupularve, 100 queen cups, 20-system sockets, 30 queen cup holders and 30 schooling and hatching cages. With this practical all-round set for queen bee breeding you get everything you need for a healthy queen bee at a particularly favorable advantage price. Of course, each component of the practical set is also available individually for the Nicot breeding system.

A good alternative to the Nicot breeding system is the Jenter breeding system, which also enjoys great popularity in Germany and Europe. This is not least due to the fact that the complete set of Jenter breeding systems for queen bees is particularly suitable for beginners. Here you will not only receive the practical set containing queen cups, insertion cells, cell carriers and much more, but also a practical explanation that will guide you through the exact process of queen bee breeding. Especially if you have little experience with queen bee breeding so far, the complete systems from our online store are the perfect solution for maintaining your bee colony.

Marking queens - the colors of queen bees

Queen bees require special marking so that the year of birth of the animal is recognizable at first glance. Here, too, there are of course various ways of applying this marking to the animal. In larger farms, it is worthwhile to use queen color paint, which was specially developed for bees. This is available in 5 different colors, which you receive in a low-priced set. So you have all five annual colors directly at hand.

Very popular with beekeepers are also the Opalith sets Classic. Here you will find numbered stickers that are attached to the back of the queen bee and correspond to the respective color. This solution is especially suitable for larger apiaries and farms where numerous queen be es are at work. Therefore, by marking with numbering, not only the age of the animals can be seen at first glance, but also exactly which animal it is. A detailed explanation of which year color corresponds to the current year can be found directly on the packaging. Of course, the possibilities for marking the bees are as extensive as the animals themselves - so with us you will find every solution for marking your queen bees, from pens to varnishes to stickers.

Add-on cages - the perfect choice for transportation

Do you not only breed queen bees, but also ship them? Or have you ordered a queen bee and would like a harmonious solution that makes integration into the colony much easier? We recommend you to use an add-on cage, in which a queen bee with some worker bees will find enough space to be safely transported and inserted into new colonies. Of course, the cages also offer sufficient storage space for food, so that the animals are optimally supplied during the few days of isolation. Add-on cages are also available in different variants - choose for yourself!

Buy suitable accessories for queen bee breeding

Our large assortment of accessories for queen bee breeding may well overwhelm hobby beekeepers and professionals. Therefore, in addition to our products, we also offer you an exceptional service. If you have any questions about our products or how to use them, you can contact us by phone or email. Behind the beekeeping professional online store is a large team of experienced beekeepers who are happy to advise you.

1 From 10
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BiVoPad EWK Schutzhaus
BiVoPad EWK Schutzhaus
passend für das Begattungs- und Schulungs- EWK Art. 4893 mit Flugloch, Fluglochrosette und Bodenlüftung. Außenmaß ca. 31 x 8,5 cm, Höhe 29 cm, Gewicht 350 g
€9.90 *
Jenter Zellenträger gerippt
Jenter Zellenträger gerippt
Beutel mit 40 Stück
€10.90 *
Jenter Zuchtkassette, solo
Jenter Zuchtkassette, solo
5-teilig, bestehend aus beigefarbenem Zuchtwabenrahmen, weißem Wabengitter, transparentem Absperrgitter, rundem Deckel und einer rückseitigen Abdeckplatte Außenmaß ca. 12 x 12 cm plus zwei Rähmchenaufhängungen von ca. 4,5 cm. Tiefe 3,5 cm
€39.90 *
Imgut®/Kieler Ersatz-Bodenschieber
Imgut®/Kieler Ersatz-Bodenschieber
aus Kunststoff, passend für Imgut®, Kieler und Segeberger Begattungskästen
€1.20 *
Klarsichtabdeckung mit Klappe
Klarsichtabdeckung mit Klappe
Größe ca. 19 x 12 cm
€2.10 *
Gelée Royale Ernte Napfhalter
Gelée Royale Ernte Napfhalter
zur Hilfe bei der Gelée Royale Ernte, als Aufnahme der 11er Stange Art. 4964 oder von 11 Einzelnäpfen Art. 4963. Höhe ca. 2,5 cm, Gesamtlänge ca. 13 cm
€1.20 *
Iltis Zusetzkäfig
Iltis Zusetzkäfig
zum Einhängen in die Wabengasse Maße ca: 65 x 45 x 10 mm
€1.80 *
EWK Bodenschieber Edelstahl
EWK Bodenschieber Edelstahl
für den Boden
€1.75 *
SIPA® Bannwabentasche Zander stainless steel
SIPA® Bannwabentasche Zander stainless steel
made of stainless steel material 1.4016, suitable for one Zander frame 477 x 220 mm, with straight or Hoffmann sides. Outer dimensions of the honeycomb pocket approx. 438 x 236 mm, depth 55 mm. Thus suitable for our Zander hives according to Dr. Liebig, Erlanger Holzbeute, Taunusbeute, Franken Holzbeute
€39.90 *
Nicot shipping and feeding cage
Nicot shipping and feeding cage
with fastening eyelet Dimensions approx: 80 x 35 x 15 mm
From €0.39 *
Dana Shipping and Feeding Cage
Dana Shipping and Feeding Cage
Shipping and insertion cage with lateral connection clips and fastening eyelet Dimensions approx: 80 x 35 x 13 mm
From €0.39 *
Imgut® Shipping and feeding cage
Imgut® Shipping and feeding cage
with multi-chamber system, connecting eyelets on the long sides, fastening eyelet and Transparent cover, dimensions approx. 75 x 40 mm Height 15 mm
From €0.39 *
Cell protection cage, orange, 10 pieces
Cell protection cage, orange, 10 pieces
for hanging in the honeycomb aisle Height approx. 40 mm, Ø top approx. 14 mm Upper beam approx. 35 mm Bag with 10 orange cages
€1.90 *
Dana Shipping & Feeding Cage orange
Dana Shipping & Feeding Cage orange
Shipping and insertion cage with lateral connection clips and fastening eyelet Dimensions approx: 85 x 42 x 13 mm
From €0.39 *
Imgut® Shipping and feeding cage white
Imgut® Shipping and feeding cage white
with multi-chamber system, connecting eyelets on the long sides, fastening eyelet and Transparent cover, dimensions approx. 75 x 40 mm Height 15 mm
From €0.39 *
BiVo-Box 1 suitable for normal size, Zander and Langstroth
BiVo-Box 1 suitable for normal size, Zander and Langstroth
Stackable polystyrene® mating box suitable for two separate mating units with hinged frames in the dimensions normal size, Zander or Langstroth. Equipped with two movable dividers 25,5 x 12,5 cm, feeding chambers, flight hole rosettes and bottom sliders. Outer dimensions 31 x 31 cm, height 32 cm, Weight approx. 2 kg Delivery without hinged frames
€39.90 *
1 From 10

Breeding queen bees - securing the next generation with a transfer spoon

Hardly any tool for queen breeding is as useful and at the same time as inconspicuous as the Umlarvlöffel or Umlarvnadel. To breed queen bees, the larvae of ordinary bees are removed and placed in artificial queen cells. Since the still very young and small larvae are very sensitive, a so-called Umlarvlöffel is used for this conversion. This was specially designed so that the larvae find a safe place on it, while at the same time it can be easily deposited in the queen cell. There are different versions of the relarva spoon or relarva needle available. The classic German version is actually a tiny spoon, while the Chinese version has a spring-loaded spoon tongue. Which solution for your queen bee rearing is the most suitable for you, you can of course only determine with a little practice - in any case, however, we guarantee you fantastic quality from our online store, which will definitely make your work easier.

Everything for queen rearing - incubator boxes for every size

If the transfer of the larvae into the artificial queen cells was successful, a new queen bee will soon grow up in your rows. In order for this to succeed, it should be kept separate from the usual worker bees for the time being. We recommend our customers to raise queens in a special incubator box, which is available for every common size. This is particularly easy because the frame with the queen bee can simply be placed in the incubator box. We attach great importance to being able to offer the right box for almost every size. One of the most popular models is of course the Zander incubator box, which can accommodate all frames of Zander size. But we also have suitable copies for Dadant US, Dadant leaf and German normal size.

In order for the rearing of queen bees to succeed, an incubator box is often not enough. Therefore, you will also find all accessories for queen rearing in our assortment - from hurdle frames and wooden frames to queen tip holders and interception cages, everything is included. Take a look at our assortment for queen rearing and get the accessories you need for the preservation of your bee colony!

Buy mating boxes and breed queen bees

You already have a queen bee and want to have it mated to ensure the next generations of bees? Here our mating boxes are an ideal solution for effective beekeeping. The mating boxes are small hives, in which a few worker bees and the unpollinated queen bee can be placed. Afterwards, the mating box is completely closed so that no bees can leave the box. In addition, of course, sufficient food should be provided so that the bees can start building combs during the time in the mating box. Provided that the bees now establish their own, new colony, it is very likely that the mating of the queen bee was also successful - and future generations are assured.

Breeding queen bees with different breeding systems

If all this effort is too much for you, you can also use the ready-made breeding systems that we offer in our online store. Particularly well-known is the Nicot complete system, which consists of a breeding cassette with cupularve, 100 queen cups, 20-system sockets, 30 queen cup holders and 30 schooling and hatching cages. With this practical all-round set for queen bee breeding you get everything you need for a healthy queen bee at a particularly favorable advantage price. Of course, each component of the practical set is also available individually for the Nicot breeding system.

A good alternative to the Nicot breeding system is the Jenter breeding system, which also enjoys great popularity in Germany and Europe. This is not least due to the fact that the complete set of Jenter breeding systems for queen bees is particularly suitable for beginners. Here you will not only receive the practical set containing queen cups, insertion cells, cell carriers and much more, but also a practical explanation that will guide you through the exact process of queen bee breeding. Especially if you have little experience with queen bee breeding so far, the complete systems from our online store are the perfect solution for maintaining your bee colony.

Marking queens - the colors of queen bees

Queen bees require special marking so that the year of birth of the animal is recognizable at first glance. Here, too, there are of course various ways of applying this marking to the animal. In larger farms, it is worthwhile to use queen color paint, which was specially developed for bees. This is available in 5 different colors, which you receive in a low-priced set. So you have all five annual colors directly at hand.

Very popular with beekeepers are also the Opalith sets Classic. Here you will find numbered stickers that are attached to the back of the queen bee and correspond to the respective color. This solution is especially suitable for larger apiaries and farms where numerous queen be es are at work. Therefore, by marking with numbering, not only the age of the animals can be seen at first glance, but also exactly which animal it is. A detailed explanation of which year color corresponds to the current year can be found directly on the packaging. Of course, the possibilities for marking the bees are as extensive as the animals themselves - so with us you will find every solution for marking your queen bees, from pens to varnishes to stickers.

Add-on cages - the perfect choice for transportation

Do you not only breed queen bees, but also ship them? Or have you ordered a queen bee and would like a harmonious solution that makes integration into the colony much easier? We recommend you to use an add-on cage, in which a queen bee with some worker bees will find enough space to be safely transported and inserted into new colonies. Of course, the cages also offer sufficient storage space for food, so that the animals are optimally supplied during the few days of isolation. Add-on cages are also available in different variants - choose for yourself!

Buy suitable accessories for queen bee breeding

Our large assortment of accessories for queen bee breeding may well overwhelm hobby beekeepers and professionals. Therefore, in addition to our products, we also offer you an exceptional service. If you have any questions about our products or how to use them, you can contact us by phone or email. Behind the beekeeping professional online store is a large team of experienced beekeepers who are happy to advise you.
